Monday, July 7, 2014

Zoo Theme 2014

Zoo Theme 2014!!

A General Update

Wow, I can't believe its been two years since I posted! A lot has happened since then. I've had a few different teaching positions, along with a few part time jobs, and finished graduate school,  About eight months ago I relocated to North Carolina from New Jersey to take a full time elementary art position. As of now, I finished my first year and plan on sharing some of my more successful lesson endeavors.

 K-5 Art Projects

I feel that my most successful lessons were those that were part of the school wide art theme I implemented this past year. I picked the zoo for my theme because I was inspired by a recent trip to the zoo over Thanksgiving break.  I thought back to how much I loved animals as a child, and hoped my students would share in my enthusiasm.  I set to work in picking a colorful animal and an age appropriate approach to the animal for each grade. Along with their individual projects, each grade created a mural. K-2 drew pictures and then cut and pasted them to the mural. 3-5 drew pictures directly onto their murals and got to do some research so they could add some facts about their animal onto their murals. Once the projects and murals were all done, I turned the hallway into a zoo. Here are the results:


I drew the bubble letters and then asked a few of my 5th graders who finished their individual project early to turn each letter into a zoo animal. They did a better job with this than I could have done. I think it is so imaginative!   
Welcome Sign
Bulletin Next to Welcome Sign

Kindergarten Lions

Kindergarten Lions and Mural
Kindergarten Lions Bulletin

 1st Grade Peacocks

1st Grade Peacocks and Mural 
More 1st Grade Peacocks 
1st Grade Peacocks Bulletin 

 2nd Grade Lizards

2nd Grade Lizards and Mural
2nd Grade Lizards Bulletin

 3rd Grade Toucans

3rd Grade Toucans and Mural
3rd Grade Toucans Bulletin

 4th Grade Zebras

4th graders learned about the color wheel and color mixing because I though rainbow Zebras would be more fun to see in the hallways. 

4th Grade Zebras and Mural
4th Grade Zebras Bulletin

5th Grade Giraffes

These giraffes were three and a half feet tall! They were such a big hit! I let the students pick their own color schemes for their giraffes. Again, I thought colorful animals would be more fun to see in the hallways. 

5th Grade Giraffes and Mural
5th Grade Parade of Giraffes 
More 5th Grade Giraffes
Even More 5th Grade Giraffes

Onto Next Year...

Now that my first year of teaching in North Carolina is over, I am already tossing around ideas for next year. My goal for next year is to implement two school wide themes. This time, I plan on actually keeping up with this blog and posting in progress work along with more details about how the projects were created like I've done in the past. Stay tuned!